Writing A Personalized Children’s Book II
I never thought I would be a children’s author! But I have loved writing books for my four grandchildren and about them. The personalized book is a special treat for one of your favorite kiddos. My first was “Cody’s Egg Sitting Adventure” and today I will introduce you to “Kayley’s Dress Up Box and Magic Wand”.
“Bam! I was a super hero with my very own case to solve!”
Generating a Concept
My granddaughter Kayley’s book is an excellent example of writing with a particular child in mind. The idea for her book came from knowing that she loves to dress-up, pretend and use a magic wand. So what if when she dressed-up and used that wand she actually became that person and got to try out what it would be like to be a princess.
The Characters
In this book Kayley is the main character and other family members and friends play bit part in the scenes. So the questions I answered to form the outline for this book were:
What does Kayley like to dress up as?
What does Kayley do when she becomes that person?
What happens in the scene to have her try a new character?
How does that transition to the next part of the story?
Tying It All Together
Between each adventure, Kayley returns to her room and changes into the next outfit so that she can go off on her next adventure.
The Conclusion
When the story ends Kayley realizes that she can become anything that she wants to be as long as she is willing to work hard!
Illustrating the Story
So once the story was written, the illustrations came next. I am a Zen Doodle artist and loved making my writing come alive with my drawings.
Your Turn to Create a Story
Each of your special children have an interest or an event that you can build on. A personalized book will mean so much to him/her. Let your imagination be your guide! Create your characters. Outline where you will go and how your story will come to an end. Try illustrating either through drawings or pictures. Just think of how special it will be for your child to have a story written especially for him/her. I truly believe you can do this!